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10 reasons to be a software developer in India in 2024

Want to know why you should pursue a career in software development? Check out the top reasons why becoming a software developer can be your gateway to success.
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Ranita Tejwani
December 19, 2023 at 11:28 AM
10 reasons to become a software developer in 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the role of software engineer has become increasingly pivotal. As we step into 2024, the demand for a skilled developer for software is at an all-time high.

In this blog, we will explore the multifaceted reasons why pursuing a career as a software developer in India is not just a job but a journey into innovation, creativity, and a world of endless possibilities.

What is a software developer?

A software developer is a professional responsible for creating, designing, and maintaining computer programs or applications. These individuals possess a unique skill set that enables them to translate conceptual ideas into functional software solutions.

Let's break down the key aspects of what is the work of software engineer.

A software developer engages in the process of software development. This involves writing line of code in software engineering using programming languages such as Java, Python, C++, or others, depending on the project requirements. The code serves as a set of instructions that a computer can execute to perform specific tasks.

Software developers are involved in the entire development life cycle. They collaborate with team members to understand user requirements, address issues, fix bugs, and optimize software performance.

They require analytical thinking, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the programming languages and frameworks they are working with.

In short, software developers are problem solvers, creative thinkers, and the driving force behind the applications and systems that permeate our daily lives.

Becoming a software developer means immersing yourself in a world where innovation is the norm and the possibilities are limitless.

Reasons you should pursue software development as a career

Is software engineering a good career for you? Let’s explore the top 10 reasons why you should opt for a software development job.

Rising demand in the industry

The demand for skilled software developers is skyrocketing globally, and India is no exception. A recent report from GoRemotely paints a vivid picture—by 2025, the number of software developers is expected to reach a staggering 5.2 million.

To put that into perspective, it's nearly double the figure from 2017, which stood at 2.75 million. This remarkable growth underscores the industry's expansion and the escalating demand for proficient professionals.

This growth also provides insights into how to be a software engineer, emphasizing the increasing importance of acquiring the right skills.

However, this surge isn't a mere trend—it signifies a profound shift in how businesses operate.

From startups to multinational corporations, everyone understands the need of software engineering and is investing in technology. Thus, propelling the need for talented developers.

Consider the exponential rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), acting as catalysts for a new breed of developers.

Companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are actively on the lookout for software developers in India who can navigate the dynamic terrain of AI and ML. The demand for those who can design and implement intelligent algorithms has never been more palpable.

India’s contribution to technological advancements

India isn't just a participant; it's a major player in the global tech arena. The country has firmly established itself as a hub for technology, making substantial contributions to the expansive realm of software development.

The evidence is clear in the presence of multinational tech giants and a bustling startup ecosystem. These aren't mere coincidences but rather reflections of India's escalating impact on the digital stage.

Take, for instance, the Indian government's "Make in India" initiative—a catalyst for innovation and entrepreneurship. This initiative has created a nurturing environment where software developers can not only survive but thrive.

Make in India

The ripple effect of this initiative has attracted significant investments in the technology sector, opening doors to abundant job opportunities and substantial career growth for aspiring developers.

In fact, in 2022, India saw the emergence of more than 1,300 new active tech startups, bringing the total count of active tech startups to 25,000-27,000.

Tech startups in India

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As we venture into 2024, India's role in shaping the technological landscape becomes even more pronounced, offering a fertile ground for those eager to contribute to the dynamic world of software development.

Work flexibility

Gone are the days when you had to be chained to a desk in an office to be deemed a valuable asset.

Software developers have the superpower to work remotely with team members from the coziness of their homes or while trotting around the globe. Picture this: virtual meetings, collaborative tools, and a work environment that knows no geographical bounds.

This flexibility, encompassing software engineer work hours, isn't just about location; it's about establishing a work-life balance. Family commitments, personal space, and the freedom to choose where you work—it all adds up to a better balance between your professional and personal worlds.

Moreover, with collaboration tools like Slack, Zoom, and Google Meet, developers can connect digitally with anyone across the globe.

And guess what? Even to build and improve such collaboration tools, the world is in constant need of software engineers. Thus, the importance of software engineering is on the rise. It's a cycle of innovation, collaboration, and endless possibilities, and you could be at the heart of it all.

Offering work flexibility is no longer just one of the advantages of software engineering; it's a lifestyle for those donning the hat of a software developer. Working in your PJs? Yes, please. Brewing up groundbreaking ideas while enjoying a cup of coffee on the beach? Absolutely!

Remote work

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Want to know if remote work is for you? Explore the pros and cons of remote work along with tips to overcome challenges to make an informed decision.

High-paying job

Do you know software development consistently ranks among the highest-paying jobs globally? In India, the demand for skilled developers is creating a treasure trove of well-paying opportunities.

According to AmbitionBox, the average annual salary for a software developer in India is 8.4 Lakhs.

Software developer salary in India

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These numbers are a testament to the value placed on the skills of developers in the Indian job market.

The average salary of a software engineer in India is not just competitive but can reach six figures within a short period. Entry-level salaries are attractive, and as developers acquire experience and tackle more complex projects, their earning potential escalates.

One of the crucial advantages of software engineering is that leading tech companies recognize the value of skilled developers and are willing to offer lucrative compensation packages.

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The demand-supply gap in the industry ensures that developers are well-compensated for their expertise, making software development a top choice for those looking for financial stability and growth.


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Ideal career for an innovative and creative person

The tech landscape doesn't stand still, and neither will you in this field. Being a developer means you need to visualize the code to understand how users will experience it. This is where your creative side takes over.

You need to create applications where people can interact with your creation effortlessly and without a manual. It's a field that offers you opportunities to build systems that didn't exist before.

Take, for instance, the app Be My Eyes, which connects visually impaired individuals with sighted volunteers through a live video call. The visually impaired person points the phone at something, and the volunteer provides instant assistance.

This app is a testament to how to be a software engineer with a creative mindset, making a tangible, positive impact on people's lives.

So, if you've got that creative bug within you and yearn to create solutions that make a real difference, software development is your canvas.

Thriving tech ecosystem

One of the biggest benefits of being a software developer is that you can gain valuable support and resources from a wide range of vibrant developer communities.

Platforms like Stack Overflow and GitHub, where developers globally share knowledge and solve coding challenges, have a strong presence in India. Here, you can tap into a vast pool of expertise and get assistance on coding issues from the global developer community.

In addition to these online communities, tech events and conferences in India, such as DevConf, PyCon India, and JSFoo, bring developers together for learning and networking.

Joining communities and attending events offers you a chance to meet like-minded individuals, learn about the latest industry trends, and even discover potential mentorship opportunities.

Global clients and international travels

The rise of remote collaboration and job platforms like JobTatkal opens up exciting possibilities for you to engage with clients from across the globe, adding valuable layers to your professional journey.

But it doesn't stop there. Software engineers often find themselves on the move. Tech conferences, a common part of the profession, invite you to attend not only in your home country but also in other countries.

These events become your passport to staying updated on the latest developments in software engineering. Whether you're there to absorb new knowledge or present your groundbreaking ideas, the journey is both professionally and personally enriching.

And let's not forget the allure of working for tech multinational corporations (MNCs). Such opportunities often mean on-site experiences, allowing you to immerse yourself in the vibrant tech ecosystems of different countries.

Work as a software developer to embrace the global opportunities that come your way and let your career soar across international landscapes.

Diverse industry domains

As a software developer, your skills aren't confined to a single industry—it's a career path that spans across diverse sectors.

In healthcare, automobile, IT, or any other field, the importance of software engineering solutions ensures that your expertise remains valuable across various domains.

This diversity in industries isn't just about job availability; it's about choice. Software developers have the flexibility to choose projects that align with their interests and passions.

Whether you're fascinated by the intricacies of finance, the innovation in the tech sector, or the transformative potential of healthcare, there's always a niche for you to explore and discover as you learn how to be a software engineer.

This variety ensures that your career remains dynamic and engaging. You're not limited to a single path but have the opportunity to adapt and contribute to different fields.

Continuous learning opportunity

The tech industry loves individuals who have an insatiable appetite for knowledge, and fortunately, there's a vast landscape of learning opportunities waiting for software developers.

First off, universities and academic platforms have recognized the need for flexible learning. They've brought some of the best software engineering courses online, allowing you to upskill from the comfort of your own space.

Now, the exciting part – it doesn't have to burn a hole in your pocket. Several online tools are designed to cater to your learning needs without the hefty price tag.

Platforms like Coursera, Udacity, Codecademy, Khan Academy, and GitHub offer free courses, certifications, and collaborative spaces for you to learn and engage with a community of fellow learners and professionals.

Imagine having the world of tech education at your fingertips, accessible whenever and wherever. These platforms break down the barriers to learning, making it possible for you to stay on top of your game without breaking the bank.

After all, in the world of tech, being a perpetual learner is a superpower that opens doors to endless possibilities.

Career growth

As stated earlier, a software developer's career is a dynamic journey marked by constant growth and evolution. Starting from entry-level positions, developers embark on a path of continuous learning and skill development, always staying tuned to the ever-changing landscape of technology.

Your career ladder can help you land roles that go beyond mere coding. Team leadership, project management, and even strategic decision-making become part of the trajectory. With experience and expertise, you might find yourself in positions where you're not just adapting to technology but shaping its future.

The key here is to recognize that success isn't a one-size-fits-all concept in the world of software development. It's about discovering what ignites your passion and aligning your career path accordingly.

TL;DR - We have summed up all the benefits of becoming a software developer in India.

Reasons why you should become a software developer

Are software developer jobs at the risk of getting eliminated due to AI?

Will AI take over my job?

Absolutely not! While AI and automation technologies are transforming various industries, including software development, it is unlikely that software developer jobs will be completely eliminated. Instead, AI is more likely to augment and enhance the role of software developers.
Here are a few reasons why:

  • Complexity of tasks:
    Software development involves coding, problem-solving, creativity, and understanding complex business requirements. While AI can automate repetitive and mundane tasks, the creative and problem-solving aspects of software development are still areas where human developers excel.
  • AI as a tool:
    AI can be seen as a tool that developers can leverage to improve efficiency. It can assist in code generation, testing, and debugging, allowing developers to focus on higher-level tasks that require critical thinking and domain expertise. Software developers can pivot towards becoming AI developers, mastering the very technology that some may perceive as a threat.
  • Human Interaction:
    Software development often requires communication with stakeholders, understanding user needs, and collaborating with cross-functional teams. Human developers possess social and emotional intelligence that is currently beyond the capabilities of AI.

As AI becomes an integral part of various industries, the need for skilled individuals who can develop, implement, and optimize AI solutions is skyrocketing. Software developers in India, equipped with the right skills, can seamlessly transition into this realm, becoming architects of the future.

Jobs similar to software developers

If the world of software development intrigues you, there are other exciting roles within the IT field to explore.

Jobs similar to Software Developer

  • Web Developer:
    Specialize in creating websites and web applications, crafting the user interface and user experience.
  • Data Scientist:
    Analyze and interpret complex data sets, extracting valuable insights to inform business decisions.
  • Systems Analyst:
    Evaluate and improve computer systems, ensuring they meet organizational needs and goals.
  • Database Administrator:
    Manage and secure databases, ensuring data integrity and accessibility for efficient operations.
  • DevOps Engineer:
    Bridge the gap between development and operations, streamlining the software development process.
  • Network Engineer:
    Plan, implement, and maintain an organization's computer networks for seamless connectivity.
  • Cybersecurity Analyst:
    Protect computer systems and networks from cyber threats, ensuring data security and confidentiality.
  • Mobile App Developer:
    Specialize in creating applications for mobile devices, catering to the growing demand for mobile technology.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Tester:
    Ensure software products meet quality standards through meticulous testing and debugging.
  • Cloud Solutions Architect:
    Design and implement cloud infrastructure, optimizing scalability, security, and performance.
  • Machine Learning Engineer:
    Develop algorithms and models for machines to learn and make predictions based on data.
  • IT Project Manager:
    Oversee and coordinate IT projects, ensuring they are completed on time and within budget.
  • Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst:
    Utilize data analysis tools to interpret business trends and provide insights for strategic decision-making.

Get hired as a Software developer with JobTatkal

As we step into 2024, the world is waiting for the next wave of innovators and creators. The question is, will you be one of them?

In the dynamic realm of software development, opportunities abound, and JobTatkal serves as your gateway to unlocking them. With hassle-free profile creation, AI-driven job recommendations, and a suite of CV enhancement tools, JobTatkal isn't just a job platform; it's a catalyst for your professional growth.

Imagine a platform where your skills are not just recognized but celebrated and where job preferences align seamlessly with your aspirations. JobTatkal offers a unique blend of efficiency and personalization, ensuring that your journey as a software developer is not just fulfilling but tailored to your preferences.

Let the platform's AI algorithms match your skills with the perfect opportunities, and witness your career soar to new heights. The platform's commitment to keeping you updated through the JobTatkal WhatsApp channel ensures you never miss out on promising opportunities.

Upload your CV at JobTatkal and take the next step towards your dream job today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key benefits of pursuing a career as a software developer in India?

Some benefits include competitive salaries, job security, a dynamic work environment, opportunities for career growth, and the chance to contribute to cutting-edge technology.

What are the challenges faced by software developers in India in 2024?

Challenges may include staying updated with rapidly evolving technologies, maintaining work-life balance, and addressing the high competition in the industry.

Can commerce students become software engineers?

Yes, it is possible. Many individuals with non-technical backgrounds transition to software development by acquiring relevant skills through coding boot camps, online courses, and practical projects.

What is the difference between mechanical engineer vs software engineer?

Comparing a mechanical engineer to a software engineer involves considering the distinct skill sets required for each field. While a mechanical engineer focuses on physical systems and machinery, a software engineer designs and creates software solutions. Both fields offer unique challenges and opportunities, and individuals may choose a path based on their interests and aptitudes.

What skills do software developers need?

Software developers need a combination of technical and soft skills. Technical skills include proficiency in programming languages, problem-solving, and knowledge of relevant tools and frameworks. Soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability are also crucial for effective collaboration and project success. Continuous learning is essential in this dynamic field.

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Ranita Tejwani

Ranita is a content marketer by profession and a tech enthusiast at heart. Her articles cover a range of topics, from software development to cloud computing and AI. She delivers informative and engaging content, emphasizing practical applications and real-world examples. When she is not writing, Ranita enjoys reading, knitting, and singing along to songs on the radio.

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