Job seeker

8 common CV mistakes and how to avoid them?

Knocking on countless doors and still getting rejected? It is time to take a second look at your CV and rectify common mistakes your CV might have.
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Drushti Joshi
November 09, 2023 at 08:41 AM
8 common cv mistakes and how to avoid them

Your CV is your golden ticket to unlocking the doors of new opportunities and taking your career to new heights. It is not just a document but showcases your professional story, achievements, and potential neatly mentioned on a piece of paper.

CV’s are a game-changer that will either help you land your dream job or leave you unnoticed and lost in the crowd. If you do not get your job even after applying to hundreds of job postings, then it is time to sit back and take a second look at your CV.

8 Common CV mistakes and how to rectify them

Here are some of the common CV mistakes that can cost you your job:

8 Common CV mistakes and how to avoid them

Spelling and grammar errors

Bad spelling and grammar can leave a negative impression for several key reasons, such as:

  • Grammar mistakes reduce candidate credibility in the eyes of recruiters
  • Poor communication skills can create a weak impression during interviews
  • Errors in communication can lead to misinterpretation between candidates and recruiters, potentially impacting the hiring process

CV with spelling and grammar errors

How does JobTatkal rectify grammar errors in a CV?

JobTatkal is India’s #1 AI-powered ‘active in time’ job platform that acts as a bridge between recruiters and job seekers.

  • Identify & rectify any grammar errors, ensuring your CV is free from syntax, tense, and structural issues
  • Address intent errors to convey your qualifications & experience to recruiters clearly
  • Thorough proofreading to catch common errors and providing suggestions for improved word choice

JobTatkal CV enhancer

Not including a resume objective

Not including a resume objective can be considered a common CV mistake as it is important to tailor your CV to the specific job you are applying for, and not including it can lead to - 

  • When your resume doesn't include a clear career objective, it can be challenging for potential employers to understand your career goals. For instance, if you are applying for a digital marketing job and your resume does not mention your career goals, then recruiters might find it tough to assess if you are a good fit for the role
  • Without an objective, your resume may appear generic and lack personalization. If you're applying for a position in a tech startup, your resume objective should express your enthusiasm for working in a dynamic and innovative environment
  • A well-crafted resume objective can provide context for the rest of your resume. Suppose you're a recent graduate with a degree in finance, your resume objective could state that you are a recent finance graduate with strong analytical skills and a desire to work in investment banking
  • Vital information might be buried within the CV and can lead to missed opportunities. If you have experience working as a project manager but are also interested in transitioning into product management, your resume objective can highlight this transition and bridge the gap for employers

How does JobTatkal help you to make a resume objective?

It helps you to -

  • Craft a clear and targeted profile objective for your CV, making it evident to potential employers what role and industry you want to enter
  • Tailor your CV for specific job applications and showcase your interest in the position you are applying for
  • A well-written CV objective will lead to a positive first impression and will set the tone for the rest of your resume 

cv with profile objective

Not providing complete skills

Providing incomplete skills can be a common CV mistake because it can lead to - 

  • Incomplete skills listings can lead to the misrepresentation of your abilities. If you're applying for a software development role and your resume doesn't include programming languages you're proficient in, the employer may wrongly assume you don't have experience with these languages, even if you do 
  • Employers expect candidates to be forthright about their skills and experience. If you claim to have project management experience but haven't listed any project management tools or methodologies you're familiar with, the employer might question the validity of your claim
  • Failing to update your skills section with new or evolving competencies can give the impression that your professional growth has stagnated. If you've recently completed a certification in data analytics, but it's not mentioned in your skills section, it suggests that your resume doesn't reflect your current skill set and willingness to learn and grow

cv with incomplete skills

How does JobTatkal provide suggested skills?

It helps you to -

  • Get personalized suggestions for skills that are aligned with your industry
  • Updated skill recommendations that reflect the latest industry trends
  • Build a well-rounded and tailored skillset that matches your desired job profile
  • Set your CV apart as a desirable and appealing candidate by adding relevant skills

CV with suggested skills

Lacks visual appeal

Poor formatting in a CV can leave a negative impression on recruiters. An image that is disorganized, cluttered, or visually unappealing is an example of a poorly formatted CV and can lead to - 

  • Poorly formatted CVs can make you appear less serious about your application
  • It is challenging to read and may not effectively convey your qualifications
  • Negative first impressions can cause recruiters to lose interest in your application
  • Adding your photo is unnecessary and can clutter your CV, taking up more space

CV with poor format

Tips by JobTatkal experts

  • Choose a clean and professional font, such as Arial or Calibri, to improve readability
  • Add bullet points to organize and emphasize achievements and responsibilities in a structured manner
  • Incorporate white space to prevent the CV from appearing cluttered; this makes it more visually appealing
  • Avoid using excessive colors, complex graphics, photos (unless you are in an acting career), or distracting elements, as they can detract from the CV's professionalism

CV with proper format

Overusing jargon and keyword stuffing

Using repetitive keywords, in the long run, can have adverse consequences for your professional image and communication, resulting in - 

  • Unclear information on a CV can confuse recruiters. For example, if a candidate lists "project management experience" without specifying the projects, recruiters may struggle to assess the candidate's qualifications 
  • When a CV lacks clarity, it can lead to interview questions seeking clarification. For instance, if a candidate lists "increased sales" but doesn't specify the percentage or timeframe, an interviewer might ask for additional details, potentially creating a communication breakdown
  • Overloading a CV with keywords unrelated to actual skills can make it seem inauthentic. For instance, if a candidate includes multiple unrelated skills like "machine learning" and "fluent in French" just to match job postings, it can raise doubts about their actual qualifications
  • If a CV is too lengthy and lacks structure, it can overwhelm potential employers. For example, a CV with long paragraphs and heavy jargon may discourage employers from reading it thoroughly, especially when they have many other CVs to review

CV with keyword stuffing

Tips by JobTatkal experts

  • Distribute keywords strategically throughout your CV instead of concentrating them in one section
  • Ensure that keywords are naturally integrated into relevant sections of your CV
  • Tailor the use of industry-specific jargon to match the context and the role you're applying for

CV with strategic keywords

Lying and exaggerations

78% of job seekers lie during the hiring process. 

Lying on your resume in regard to salary structure exaggerating your work experience and qualifications can prove to be detrimental. 
It can lead to:

  • Including false information on your CV, can damage your professional reputation and erode trust with potential employers. For instance, falsely claiming to have a degree from a prestigious university when you don't can lead to severe trust issues if an employer verifies your education and finds the inconsistency 
  • Lying on your CV might help you secure a job in the short term, but it can have severe consequences when your deception is eventually revealed, potentially resulting in termination.
  • Claiming expertise in skills you don't possess can lead to poor job performance, which can negatively impact the employer and your own job satisfaction. If you exaggerate your proficiency in a specific programming language and then struggle to complete projects that require it, it can lead to disappointment from your employer
  • When you exaggerate your qualifications, employers may have unrealistic expectations about your capabilities. If you falsely claim to be an expert in a particular software program and your employer assigns complex projects based on that assumption, you might struggle to deliver, leading to dissatisfaction on both sides

CV with lies

Tips by JobTatkal experts

  • Emphasize on honesty and integrity as it plays a crucial role in presenting your professional journey, accomplishments, and skills 
  • Focus on showcasing the quality of your achievements and qualifications rather than overinflating your CV with a multitude of irrelevant or excessive skills

JobTatkal CV with honesty

Talking too much about Hobbies

Here are some key points explaining why writing too much about your hobbies and interests can be a common CV mistake

  • Irrelevant hobbies and interests divert focus from critical qualifications and professional experience; for instance, listing a love for stamp collecting on a software developer's CV
  • Hobbies consume unnecessary space, limiting room for essential details. For instance, dedicating a whole section to hobbies like "watching movies" and "cooking" can crowd out valuable work-related content
  • Recruiters may make biased assumptions based on hobbies; for instance, assuming someone who enjoys mountain climbing is too adventurous for a desk job
  • Emphasize suitability for the job role over hobbies; for example, focusing on project management skills rather than listing "gardening" as a hobby

CV with too much hobbies

Tips by JobTatkal experts

  • Include only hobbies and interests that are directly relevant to the job 
  • Be concise and to the point when mentioning hobbies, ensuring they complement your qualifications 
  • Highlight the skills or attributes developed through hobbies and interests
  • Describe your hobbies in a professional manner, using brief phrases 
  • Omit personal or irrelevant information about hobbies and interests that do not add value to your application

cv with relevant hobbies

Giving out the wrong contact and email information

Just imagine spending countless hours writing a perfect CV and then not getting hired because of the wrong contact information. Wrong contact information can lead to - 

  • Missed opportunities as recruiters may be unable to reach you for interviews
  • Unprofessional image suggesting a lack of attention to detail and organization
  • Communication breakdowns, making it challenging for employers to contact you
  • Loss of credibility and lack of trustworthiness in the eyes of potential employers

CV with wrong contact information

Tips by JobTatkal experts

  • Ensure your CV includes all necessary contact information, such as your full name, phone number, email address, and, if applicable, your LinkedIn profile
  • Cross-check and verify contact and email information for accuracy, double-checking for typos, missing digits, or other errors
  • Use a professional email address to create a credible and business-appropriate impression; even if you use a personal email address, it should sound professional. For example, rather than writing, you should write 
  • Mention your city and area name  if you are resistant towards sharing full home address to maintain privacy or sharing too much personal information
  • If you include your LinkedIn profile, make sure it is complete, up-to-date

CV with correct contact information

Flawless CV is just a few clicks away with JobTatkal!

The nightmare becomes a reality when you face rejection due to a poorly crafted CV. But fret not, for JobTatkal, with its extraordinary features such as a CV enhancer and CV parsing feature, has emerged as the beacon for helping job seekers land their dream jobs.

Transform your CV from a mere document into a compelling story of skills and experiences and pave the path towards a successful career. Leave a lasting impression on recruiters and take the stress out of crafting a perfect CV.

Say goodbye to rejection and confidently step into the world of job applications armed with a polished CV. JobTatkal, India’s #1 AI-powered job-hunting platform, empowers you to present your best self on paper and land your dream job.  

The nightmares of rejection will soon become nothing more than a distant memory as your dream job awaits with JobTatkal by your side.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a poor CV?

Poor design and layout, lack of professional language, lying and exaggeration are the elements that make a poor CV. If your CV lacks clarity about your career goals and there is ambiguity in previous job descriptions, then the recruiter will be left confused, leading to high chances of rejection during the interview. 

How can I improve my CV fast?

You can start by always including a profile objective to clarify your goals and objectives to the recruiter. Emphasize your skills and focus on results rather than responsibilities. JobTatkal, with its CV enhancer feature, is the best choice to upgrade your CV and land the job of your dreams. 

Should a CV have a photo?

It depends on the job role you are applying for. If you are applying for actor or model roles, it is a good idea to incorporate your photo, but other than that, there is no need to add a photo as it might take up unnecessary space and make your CV cluttered. 

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Drushti Joshi

Drushti is a brilliant wordsmith with an innate talent for weaving captivating narratives, a passion for precision, and a knack for effective communication in the realm of writing. Drushti can be found lost in the imaginary worlds of captivating books, her journal brimming with her deepest thoughts and musings, or indulging in Netflix marathons.

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