
ITC Limited

About the company

ITC is one of India's foremost private sector companies with a Gross Revenue of ₹ 69,481 crores and Net Profit of ₹ 18,753 crores (as on 31.03.2023). ITC has a diversified presence in FMCG, Hotels, Packaging, Paperboards & Specialty Papers and Agri-Business. ITC's aspiration to be an exemplar in sustainability practices is manifest in its status as the only company in the world, of its size and diversity, to be carbon, water and solid waste recycling positive. In addition, ITC's businesses and value chains create sustainable livelihoods for more than 6 million people, a majority of whom represent the poorest in rural India.

Additional details
ITC Limited
Kolkata, West Bengal
Job/Soft Skill Training
10,001+ employees
Job seekers have rated JobTatkal 4.6 / 5.0
on ease of finding jobs as of Sep 16, 2024
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